The love that never gives up

No matter who you are or what you have done, God loves you. He always wants the very best for you.

The Bible shows repetitively how God can meet anyone where they are at and transform their life. Even when people might give up on us, God’s offer of forgiveness lasts eternally. God's love isn't based on our performance or how good we are. He loves because he we are his children. He is alive, active, present, powerful and loving; the best decision we could ever make  is to surrender our lives to Him and accept His grace made available to us through the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus, God the Father’s only Son, came to earth over 2000 years ago and lived amongst us as fully-human and yet fully-God to demonstrate the Father’s great love and power and to ultimately die for our sins.

Jesus lived a perfect life, yet voluntarily gave us his life to save us from the consequences of our sins and bring us back into a right relationship with our Father God so we can enjoy being in His family and live with Him forever.

A Christian is someone who accepts Jesus’ forgiveness for their wrong-doing (sin) and realises that Jesus’ death completely frees them from all guilt. The penalty has been fully paid and we are washed clean from every sin.

Jesus is reaching out to you, inviting you to be in relationship with Him and to accept His forgiveness. If you feel ready to take this step the following prayer will help you. We encourage you to pray this in a sincere unhurried way and be open to God’s presence touching your life.

Dear Jesus,

I come to you now and ask for forgiveness for the wrong things I have done in my life. I make a decision to turn my back on my sins and turn towards you. I believe you died on the cross and rose again for me and I accept your death as a sacrifice for my sins. I am free from all guilt. I trust you to lead and guide me for the rest of my life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit so I have the power to keep walking in your footsteps. Thank you that I am now in your family and I have a Father in Heaven.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Congratulations! In praying these words with an honest heart, you have started the journey of a lifetime – following Him. If you have prayed this for the first time or are recommitting to a life with Jesus, we would love to know and support you in this journey. Let us know below.

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